
Showing posts from January, 2018

Three quarters full or one quarter empty

So this is it, 9 months down, only 3 months remaining While some of my colleagues have already reached the 1718 target, i'm still some way off.  In fact so far I've not actually hit the 'required average' of 4.7k per day.  As at midnight on 6th January I've done 1,260k, so about 35k short of the 'required average' year to date.   Don't write me off just yet though, in the last 2 weeks I've averaged 5.6k per day so if I keep this pace up or improve I should make it. I've also started evening running in the cold and dark.  I thought I would be able to get in plenty of evening runs in the summer months but things got the better of me so I've possibly made it harder for myself, but to be honest I don't really mind it too much.  In some respects it is easier to concentrate and just crack on with a run when its cold and dark, no countryside or sunsets to look at and distract me.