
Why support Alzheimer's Research UK?
I work for Price Bailey LLP, Chartered Accountants.  We partner with a charity every 2 years and from April 2016 we have supported Alzheimer's Research UK.
My dad, Geoff Lovick was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and Vascular Dementia in early 2017 so I wanted to do something to raise awareness of the disease and some funds as well if possible.  In March 2017 we had an update from their fundraiser and I was inspired by the work that ARUK are doing to increase public awareness of the disease and also of their work to research diagnosis methods, and treatments.
See You for more information on how you can help.
Why run/walk?
I wanted to be part of a fundraising event that was personal to me but would also be inclusive to others.  While some of my colleagues are brave enough to jump out of planes and shave off their hair, I'm not quite as bold.  Similarly as I have a young family, I'm not quite able to run off to a far-flung country for a trek.  I thought if I could bring together a group of colleagues to run and/or walk throughout the year as a long term challenge it would have a positive contribution to our health.  Regular exercise is said to be a great way to reduce the risk factors associated with dementia so it seemed a win-win.
I have done some running in the past and love a walk whenever possible.  I figured with my current level of fitness, I couldn't always commit to just running and some colleagues were also interested in either just walking throughout the year, or combining running with walking.
Why 1718?
While perusing the ARUK website, I saw a link to a blog chrswrght.wordpress.com by a guy called Chris Wright who ran 5k (at least) a day (almost every day I believe) throughout 2015.
I've previously done 5k runs but the thought of running 5k every single day seemed a bit daunting.  Plus, I only thought about it in the last 2 weeks of March.  Then it dawned on me that I could use the tax year (6 April - 5 April) as a year instead.
Since it'll be the tax year 2017/18, I figured I'd use the 17/18 element and aim for 1,718k throughout the year - which averages out at 4.7k a day (not too far off 5k)
Why keep a blog?
If the above is not motivation enough for me to start and finish this challenge, I'm hoping that this blog is a safeguard; to remind me every day, week and month to keep going.  

Keep going Simon.
Keep running.
Keep updating the blog ,even if no-one else reads if, especially if no-one else reads it.

Who knows how it will pan out, but I think my intention is to keep my story of a young(ish), albeit with quickly greying hair, dad, office worker, son of a dementia-sufferer.
Obviously the simplest answer to all of the above is WHY NOT?


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